better, study of - Pete Carapetyan's personal blog

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Posted by Pete Carapetyan

When we took the shuttle from Crested Butte back to Gunnison to catch our flight home, the views were so breathtaking I made a slide show. (Thumbs below as teaser)


From these 100 or so shots,  I produced two different flash slide shows, each 3 1/2 minutes.

This one is only a couple of meg so no big deal for your internet connection. Click on the image below to open up in a new window. Read more »

Posted by Pete Carapetyan

Our trip to Crested Butte flew across the arid west, so started out with the usual array of crop circles out the window

crop circles

As soon as we got further west, however, our view changed to snow, snow, everywhere. Read more »