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White Rock Lake

Posted by Pete Carapetyan

 Much has already been written on the Ride of Silence, so in keeping with that same spirit of silence here is the 6 minute video of the start, without commentary.

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Posted by Pete Carapetyan

 I'll be riding with hundreds of thousands of others worldwide on Wednesday, during the annual "Ride of Silence" 

What is the Ride of Silence?

The short version is it's just that - In hundreds of cities across the world, cyclists meet and ride in silence, to honor those who have been killed by cars.

This ride has taken on a life of it's own in only a few years since it's founding. The most moving and personal description that I have found is in this article in a local weekly, by the ride's founder Chris Phelan.

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Posted by Pete Carapetyan

The first thing I promised myself after a 15 month contract finished was a straight 21 day cycling spree.

I finished it Tuesday of this week. That was a couple days ago, and my body is still thinking about what it was that I did to it. I swear, I've even got callouses on my butt now, on the bone tips that touch the seat. Guess it's only logical.

It's been nice getting a couple of whole days of work in without a riding interruption, but mostly it's been nice just getting some physical rest, and trying to remember what normal feels like. 


I've got all my best photos from this circuit stored mostly on this blog. Too lazy to re-post them here. They are pretty though.

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Posted by Pete Carapetyan

Here in Texas, we have a vigorous growing season in springtime, especially when it comes to certain species.

Oh well, it looks great anyway. Along side the hundreds of miles of hike&bike trails you might find in the area, you'll find a lot of poison ivy, poison oak, and poison sumac. Does this guy have any clue how close he is getting?

This is what it looks like, close up.

Posted by Pete Carapetyan

Every year about this time, there's a free car show for everyone at White Rock Lake. You can see for yourself if it would interest you some day.


There are always great cars, this year I had my camera so you've to some shots to view, if you're interested. Read more »

Posted by Pete Carapetyan


Could there really be a "Fountain of Youth" ?

When Ponce de Leon went to the "New World" to discover the fountain of youth over 500 years ago, there was apparently this goofy belief that there could be such a thing as a place you could go that would make you younger.

What a silly idea - and welcome to White Rock Lake, in my home town of Dallas, Texas, where it really comes true. Read more »