better, study of - Pete Carapetyan's personal blog

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Posted by Pete Carapetyan

We didn't know that Dad would be singing, we were just going for the concert ( er uh service ). Instead of the usual soloist emerging from Dad's choir, this time he just turned around and sang the two solos himself. Read more »


Poetry Slam In Austin

22 Mar 2008
Posted by Pete Carapetyan

If you knew me even a little bit you would know that I am a giant smart aleck. I've always enjoyed starting fights, riling people up, doing just about anything to get some kind of electricity started. It's not always a great quality to have. Or habit, whatever it is that troublemaking wants to be called. Read more »

Posted by Pete Carapetyan
Poetry can be dreadfully serious stuff. Or so I've been told, wouldn't know, I always avoid that kind of poetry moment.

Not this time! No Serious Readings For Sure!

We're going to have a Poetry Slam at the folks house on March 22 from 3-5 PM, and there may not be a serious moment in the whole affair! Read more »

Posted by Pete Carapetyan

Updated Feb 11, 2008 with new photos - all at bottom.

The Zen master asked his student the riddle about "What if a tree fell in the forest and nobody heard it, did it make a sound?"

What if the tree was in an artist's community?

... and it hadn't fallen yet?  It was dead, sure. But dead trees sometimes take years to fall. Read more »

Posted by Pete Carapetyan

Paul Carapetyan is my brother, and today Wed Jan 30th is his 50th birthday. So it's OK that I would blog about him :)

Paul Carapetyan Family May 2008 

Paul Carapetyan with his children Lucy, David, and Anna Read more »
