better, study of - Pete Carapetyan's personal blog

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Posted by Pete Carapetyan

When we took the shuttle from Crested Butte back to Gunnison to catch our flight home, the views were so breathtaking I made a slide show. (Thumbs below as teaser)


From these 100 or so shots,  I produced two different flash slide shows, each 3 1/2 minutes.

This one is only a couple of meg so no big deal for your internet connection. Click on the image below to open up in a new window. Read more »

Posted by Pete Carapetyan

Inspired by Tom Singleton in yesterday's blog, I spent yesterday learning to snowboard.

The rules are simple if not a bit challenging to commit to muscle memory. Much like skiing, just less forgiving. Read more »

Posted by Pete Carapetyan

What If ?

When I tried to shoot video while I was skiing, at first it was pretty cool that I could do it even at all. Got pretty excited about it until I watched the results.

It's impossible for someone of my skill level to ski fast and hold the viewfinder to my eyeball. So the result is very mixed. Read more »

Posted by Pete Carapetyan

Tom Singleton is from Australia. He had never seen snow before.

Captions by Alice Carapetyan, photos by Pete.

tom singleton

 This was his first day snowboarding. Read more »

Posted by Pete Carapetyan

Mostly pics today, yes it was a perfect day skiing!

Click on any picture to see the big view.

Slopes groomed perfectly, of course, for our first runs. Note that this is not man made snow, the forests to the sides are just as white as the slope!


Looking back down on the village from the first run. Read more »

Posted by Pete Carapetyan

Our trip to Crested Butte flew across the arid west, so started out with the usual array of crop circles out the window

crop circles

As soon as we got further west, however, our view changed to snow, snow, everywhere. Read more »