What If Today Were A Perfect Day Skiing?
Mostly pics today, yes it was a perfect day skiing!
Click on any picture to see the big view.
Slopes groomed perfectly, of course, for our first runs. Note that this is not man made snow, the forests to the sides are just as white as the slope!
Looking back down on the village from the first run.
The view is pretty nearly amazing in every direction, no?
White white everywhere
Perfect sky, of course.
This is a big area for aspen
Mostly pics today, yes it was a perfect day skiing !
I was trying to show how deep some of the slopes were, then I got disappointed because at first it just looks flat. Look again, you will see the pine trees going vertical, and the slope itself not a lot less vertical than the trees themselves.
Mostly pics today, yes it was a perfect day skiing!
Here is Paula, about to head down one of the blue runs ahead of me.
I think Alice was happy to be skiing, eh?
A nice long tail makes a good picture . This is one of the black slopes coming off the west side.- Champion. Very fun.
Paula and Pete taking a self portrait going up to the black runs.
Dude, I think a storm must be coming up. Check out the blast coming off that ridge. Good thing it's our last run for the day, it's gonna get pretty cold and windy pretty quickly.
Zooming back a bit you can see the snow blasting off the entire ridge as the wind passes over it.
It was a great day, tomorrow is supposed to be much colder and overcast. We'll see how it goes!