How To Keep From Going Crazy Working With a Passive Aggressive
My good friend Jim Tucker came over and drank a few beers with me this weekend, wanting to talk out how he gets undone at work by his Passive Aggressive work-mates. Since I've had significant experience in this regard, I went through the process of re-remembering all the main points. Paula helped as well.Dear Mom:
I know you probably think I'm goofing off, what with this new venture starting out, and already I've logged 5 consecutive days cycling 36 miles each, when I probably should have just been working.
Well, uh, I mean, er uh, what I'm trying to say, um, is, you know ... I'm going to really get serious here in a minute or two. Uh - just blowing off a little steam or something.
Oh yeah, that's it! I was working evenings! That's what it is. Really, I mean it.
Don't worry about a thing Mom, you can count on me! Read more »
"6 hours in the Rocky Mountains today. Damn, I love this job."
That was one of Lance's tweets from yesterday.
If it doesn't give you chicken skin, then I guess you and I are different. I think I'm gonna go go riding :)
Is it better to create your own product? Or someone else's?
For 10 years at our little software shop, we've always answered that question as the latter. We're good at delivering results, and our modest customer base has appreciated our work enough to keep us busy full time creating the software they need.
We've developed software under contract, for
- a Fortune 500 shipping company
- one of the largest defense contractors in the world
- a small startup
- a Fortune 500 retailer
- others...
But never for our own retail customers, and never on our own software product.
That all changes, this year - today even. Today, the very same programmer that writes this blog begins work full time on a series of software products that we will sell retail. This seems like an almost bizarre move, given the nature of the software market and our total lack of experience as a retail provider.
What Products will we Create and Sell?
This might seem too simple, but it is a proven technique.
Thanks to Chris Rauschuber via Chris Colby, for the link
This is the first few days after the leaves appeared from the buds, hence the luminescent green.
One of two parks adjacent to the building I live in.
This was floating around the internet to make fun of people who claim to be against big government. Thought I'd post a copy here. Read more »
10 million views kind of speaks for itself
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